Meet your fellow officers in charge of the club!
What's up everyone. I'm Wax Chug da Gwad. Some of you guys may know me as Max Chung. I started playing osu! 3 years ago, but have only been playing it on-and-off as a side game, with months of break in between. It wasn't until last fall quarter that Justin, Brad, and I randomly met up and found out we all played osu!.
Thinking it was a good chance for me to get more serious about the game, meet new people, and try something new, I took the lead in starting up this club and bringing it to where it is now. It's been an absolute blast playing the game with everyone so far, and I hope we grow in numbers and do greater things in the future!
Outside of osu!, I'm an active officer and developer of the Video Game Development Club at UCI. I love making games, and it's thanks to VGDC that I've met a ton of awesome people and have the passion I have now. Big shoutouts to them! If you're at all interested in game development, definitely check them out and get involved.
I watch a fair bit of anime in my free time, not religiously anymore, but still a good chunk here and there, and as a result of anime, osu!, and NicoNico, I listen to a lot of Japanese/anime/vocaloid/utaite music. My favorite animes of all time are The Tatami Galaxy, the first 15 minutes of Redline, and the last 15 minutes of Mind Game. My favorite vocaloid producer is MikitoP, and my favorite song by him is "Sayoko" by Kano.
-Wax "Max 'Shrackner' Chung" Chug da Gwad
Hello there! My name is Victor Stolle, and I am a 3rd year Software Engineering student. I started playing osu! 3 years ago when Max introduced this difficult rhythm game in between queues of League of Legends.
In osu! my average song difficulty is between 3-4 stars, and I play with the traditional mouse + keyboard setup. My favorite genres of music in the game are fast-paced, high BPM songs belonging to either electronic or rock.
Other than osu! I am a somewhat-active member of the Video Game Design Club, a member of the intramural water polo team, and a video game enthusiast. I play a lot of League of Legends and Diablo 3, and my favourite strategy game is Age of Empires 3. I also watch "a little bit" of anime every now and then, and listen to all genres of music.
-Victor Stolle
I'm Jimmy and I'm a 4th year Psychology student. I'm the only non-STEM major in the club which is either a blessing or a curse depending on how you look at it. Last year I handled mostly social media, promotion, and tournament organization in the club. This year I still have the same responsibilities but I'm also filling in as the President following Max's graduation. I'm big on cooking, mechanical keyboards, swimming and sleep. I used to be a much more active osu! player, capping out at the high 8k's, but due to school keeping me out of practice I've been unable to maintain my rank or speed. Unfortunately I can't play DT anymore but I've recently found much more enjoyment in slowing it down with some No Mod. Nowadays I use osu! primarily as a means to get new music and "enjoying game". I'm still notoriously bad at streaming and I'm probably the least consistent player I know. I'm still more of a jump map player but I'm slowly warming up to more technical maps as my reading improves. My favorite maps nowadays include World's End, Girl's Rondo (P A N's difficulty), Sakura No Uta (Alyce's difficulty) and Akatsuki Zukuyo. I'm a pretty active League of Legends player as well, you can find me under the ign Jims, hit me up sometime and let's play!
-Jimmy Zhang
Hi, I'm Royce Sato, a third year chemical engineering student. I started playing osu! around Fall 2013, and I haven't improved since then. I play mouse+keyboard; I used to play tablet, but my hand couldn't take the heat, so I stick with mouse. I don't DT farm. I also play mania 4k, it's really fun and everyone should quit standard and play mania. Other hobbies include playing the piano, yo-yoing, which Jimmy and Justin got me into, and speedcubing. I'm also eternally “studying” Japanese.
-Royce Sato
Hi all! I'm Aaron, a computer hardware enthusiast, DIY hobbyist, and eSports fan. I started playing osu! since 2013 and though I have never been musically (rhymically?) inclined, I rather enjoy the game a lot.
Speaking of hardware and DIY, I made a two-key keypad for osu! called "two-K." It was a project that started in April 2015 and involved 3D modelling using SolidWorks, 3D printing, and soldering.
In the rare occasions when I'm not browsing reddit or watching YouTube, I like to play racquetball or build computers for people. Hit me up if you're interested in either of those things :D
-Aaron Liao
Hey all! I entered UCI in the fall of 2014 as first year computer science major. In my free time I like to watch lots of anime, play a whole bunch of different games(Steam games, League of Legends and Overwatch ), and I also like to yoyo. I started playing osu! in 2013 starting out as a mouse only player and gradually switching over to tablet + keyboard. I no longer play osu! actively and reached a peak rank of 9.8k.
-Justin Veyna
Hey everyone, my name is Matt and I am a third year software engineer. You can also call me Kenneth, Ken, Kenny, Keneth with one “n,” or whatever you feel is appropriate. I don’t really play osu!, so you are probably asking yourself, “Why is he an officer?” Same. A friend of mine found out from a reddit post that there is an osu! club here at UCI, and told me to check it out. Normally I would’ve been gone by the next meeting, but the personalities introduced to me were quite “intriguing.” Next thing I knew, I was at every meeting since fall of 2015. Someone save me. Also, I play a lot of Heroes of the Storm, Smash 4, Fire Emblem, Steam, and more. Feel free to hit me up if you play any of these!
-Kenneth Legaspi
Hey everybody! I entered UCI as a first year but I didn't join osu! UCI until my second year. Even though I didn't join until my second year I actually met the president in my first year randomly when I found him soldering keycaps with another officer Aaron. I told him I liked Shibayan Records and he said "Coool." I enjoy playing rhythm games like osu!, Stepmania, DDR, Project Diva!, and SDVX. I didn't officially join until on a whim I checked out the club and played osu!mania. I said osu!standard looked to hard so I didn't want to play it. A few weeks later I bought a tablet.
-Alex Luu
Yo, my name is Jiufu. I don't have an English name. I am a 4th year Aerospace Engineer with aspirations to work with planes and other things that fly. I found this club through a reddit thread on r/osugame.
I started playing osu! standard in March, 2017 and reached my peak at 10k rank. Now I mostly play unranked songs that I like and fiddle around with taiko. I play a lot of mobile rhythm/gacha games such as Bandori, Starlight Stage, and many others. Outside of rhythm games, I also enjoy grand strategy games such as SC, Paradox Interactive, Creative Assembly, etc.
My interests are mostly dedicated to the world of Japanese idol groups and voice actresses. If you don't know what idols are, it's probably better that way. If you do know what they are, feel free to chat with me about them. My favourite groups right now are Wake Up, Girls! and iM@S Cinderella Girls, and my favourite solo artist is and always will be Ayaka Ohashi. Outside of idol research, I also enjoy playing the card game Weiss Schwarz.
-Jiufu Cai
Hello! I'm Benia in Bio Sci and currently in my 3rd year. I casually play 4k-7k osu! mania. I got into rhythm games with my friend (who introduced me to rhythm games) in middle school. My first rhythm game being Feel the Beats, but its server died lol so I switched to DJMAX to osu! I also like Cytus and Deemo which are pretty cool so check it out if you haven't already. My hobbies are watching anime, youtube and playing games.
-Benia Ean
Hi everyone, I’m Paxton Ngai-Neng Wong, and I’m a Computer Science major at UCI. I’m a tablet and keyboard player (wow such unique) at rank 11.5k as of when this was written- I sucked at DT because I tap like a noob, so I turned into an HR player. My hobbies are being a weab, playing the violin and drawing. I used to do Cross Country and Long Distance Track in high school, so occasionally I enjoy running. I found out about this club from a friend in high school who found out about it on Reddit. I never would have expected to be an officer, but after all the cool experiences I had with the club I decided to become one.
-Paxton Wong
Hello, my name is Kenneth Yam. I’m a Computer Game Science major that blundered his way to UCI. I’m a hybrid mouse-and-keyboard player that started with mouse acceleration for 2-and-a-half years. Now that I’m smarter and turned it off, I reached 1.5k as my peak rank in Sep. 2015, but decayed due to school. I play tennis, video games, and violin (woohoo stereotypes). I’m returning to other games like Hearthstone and MapleStory. I don’t watch anime, so don’t ask me for any recommendations. You can show me cool stuff instead.
-Kenny Yam
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-Shannon Chen
Hey. What's Goin On Here. I Do Not Play Osu. The last time I have played osu! seriously was before I joined college. Wew Lad! Catch me on discord and call me over to watch questionable anime. I also play Games eveRy now and then so let me know If you want to gamE out and have Fun.
-Jonathan Cheng
Hey there guys. It's me, ya girl Julissa. I'm currently a third year transfer student majoring in Psychology (a minority compared to roughly 90% of the club's population, OOF) who hails from the city of Bakersfield where there are more cows than people. Hello, socializing, amirite? Anyways, back to business! I started playing osu!standard three months ago and am currently in the 60k ranks (I'm garbage at the game right now, but am improving, albeit slowly). Other than that, I'm an avid Kingdom Hearts fanatic since 2002, love playing jrpgs, cosplaying, and have been catching up with lots of anime and manga! So if ya want to talk about any of that or in general show me anything cool, don't be a stranger in hitting me up!
-Julissa Becerra
Hi! I’m Megan and I’m a second year Public Health Sciences major, hoping to get into medical school. I mostly play osu!standard but I’m not very good at it. I mostly play with tablet, but nowadays I’ve been trying to learn how to map (keyword: trying). When I’m not struggling to find time for osu, I do jigsaw puzzles, waste my life on League of Legends, or occasionally watch anime. talk to me about birds and thanks for reading!!
-Megan Ikemoto
What's poppin' gamers. I'm a 3rd year CS major who used to play the OSU game but now I don't. I also play competitive League of Legends and Counter Strike: Global Offensive. _Breeze will not be catching up to me in OSU.
-Alex Liu
What's smackin'. It's ya boi Loc "Sukida" Trinh. Was a first year jump addict that inherits Sotark's will as his soul. Now loving those tech maps! I love anime/manga/video games all alike, and I'm quite down to go out when I'm not stuck with homework, studying, or life! I strive to become someone I can be proud of 🙂
-Loc Trinh
Hey there! I’m Adrien (yes with an “e”), I come all the way from the country of baguettes called Baguetteland (France) and was raised in Hong Kong in a French school. Before you ask, OUI, I’m fluent in French, and NO, I actually suck at Mandarin and Cantonese because life’s like that and you can’t have everything. I’m a second-year student as Undeclared, but I (hopefully) plan to switch to Computer Science and Engineering as soon as possible. I guess I play osu! at times even though I really suck at the game (can’t even FC 5 stars). Other than that, I also tend to meme around CS GO at 22:22 with some of our fellow club members. Finally, my favorite game is Starcraft 2 even though I am not the best player (I don’t have the genes lol), and I don’t really have time to play it anymore. When it comes to the 3D world, I savagely LARP in the Sword club using my spear (ironically). Finally, I enjoy being the Sk8rboi of the club by riding around Irvine with my electric / not electric skateboards and teaching other people how to become fellow sk8rbois.
-Adrien Huynh Huu
I am on the grind to pass Alex.
-Nicholas Budding
Hi yall! I'm a 3rd year CS major, and I've been playing osu!standard for about 3-4 years already (currently at 25k) and recently have been playing some 4K osu!mania. I watch a fair bit of anime and read some manga, but I probably haven’t watched/read anywhere near the scope of certain other members in the club. For hobbies, I like creative writing and have been practicing digital drawing whenever I have the time (which is realistically never). I listen mostly to jpop and enjoy mashups. Other than osu!, I play LOL, OVW, Minecraft, and Smash Ultimate. Talk to me about anything previously mentioned and/or FGO!
-Khiem Dinh
Hi, all! I'm Frederick, and I'm a second year Pharm Sci Major (Pharm Sci LUL). I started when I was a high school freshman and have been hovering between 50k-60k most of the time. These days, I'm either fiddling around with mapping or running it down in League of Legends ARAM games. I spend the rest of my free time taking walks at malls/outlets, reading manga, and going to Round 1 with friends.
I'm open to any conversation, so hit me up for anything! If you want a good conversation starter, traveling is always nice to talk about (if you like trains, even better). :)
-Frederick Minh Trung Vo
Hello everyone, my name is Jason and I am a third year CS major just like 80 percent of the school. I haven’t been playing osu! that long as I started about 3 months ago at the time of when this is being presented. That being said, I’m really good though because I am the one of the few with a rank that’s 5 digits.I do want to get better and actually play songs that I can’t play because I suck. Some of my hobbies include watching anime and I love anime, playing video games, and watch basketball (which is actively talked about in the club). I used to play basketball and badminton in high school so if you want to play hit me up. Also if you play osrs, then let's play because why not.
I said last year that I was probably not going to join this club because I knew about the club from a “primary source.” As you can see I am a liar and you can disregard everything that I have said up to this point.
-Jason Lin
Yo, I’m Jordan. A neurobiology major that doesn’t study and pursues tons of interests and hobbies. One of those interests, being rhythm gaming. Name any rhythm game, and I’ve probably played it. Some of my main games are osu!mania/quaver, sdvx, piu, drummania, and some others. I used to play osu!standard and might get back into it, if I get another tablet.
Another one of my major hobbies is weeb art. If you’ve played osu! Sometime in 2022, chances are you’ve probably seen one of my pieces on the home screen.
Other than those two, I’m really into learning drumming and live2d, coffee/tea, audio, bowling, longboarding, anime, gacha games, and attempting to get into weightlifting. But yea, hit me up anytime, I’m always down to talk :thumbsup:
-Jordan Lee Raasch